
Hoth SB and our new Commander!

Well it looks like we were once again unable to defeat the Empire on Hoth!

We ended up in 112 place with Minor Influence once again.  Nice Job to all who lent their support

But the real hero of this Sector Battle was Nia Othan! She finished 18th overall with a brand new rank as Commander.  Nia earned nearly 50% of our Cartel VP all on her own during this epic run. Make sure to congratulate her and admire her snazzy new gear!

Thanks Nia! 

Let's see if we can pick up where Nia left off and earn Major Influence in the upcoming retaliation on Hoth!

Ryer Grogan


Cartel History...Episode 2

Star Wars: Uprising

Alien Legion Dossiers
Episode 2 - The Early Days

I was able to pick up a few players in the early days of 2016. And the cartel started to grow. Folks spent time on the chat and shared ideas back and forth.

One of the things I am most proud of is that we were always a "Learning" Cartel. We helped everyone. Whether it was in the Cartel Chat or Global Chat, Alien Legion members would answer questions. No judgement, just help.

I started to pay a bit more attention to the Cartel in mid-January. By then we had 25 Members and I wanted some help. So I created the first set of Officers.
The first two were KAS SOMBER and JEN STORM. I spoke to them both in Private Chats and asked if they wanted to be officers. They both accepted. Kas, for those of us who remember, was online all the time. A constant steady presence. He had the all the answers and shared them with the group. Jen was steady but a bit more quiet.

In the end, Kas just couldn't take grind and lottery required to collect 3 special Droid Crew.

If he had gotten lucky enough to collect these droids, I am sure the Disruption Grenade lottery would have put him over the edge. One day in April, he just announced he was done, we haven't seen him since.

Jen true to form, went out more quietly. Some time in May, she just stopped playing the game.

Most of the people from the early days are gone. But we still have 3 (4 including myself) members from the early days in January. Can you guess who?

More to follow...

UPDATE:  So to answer the above question the 3 longest active players are: Cir, Arid and Kahlen.  Followed 4 days later by Cam.  Thanks to all who've stuck it out this long.


Cartel History...Episode 1

 A long time ago on iPad far,
far away....

Star Wars: Uprising

Alien Legion Dossiers
Episode 1 - The Begining

So back in December of 2015, I had reached the level cap and was struggling for something to do to keep my interest in the game.  There were fewer Sector Battles and no lightsabers to be found.  I was a level 65 smuggler looking for something to do.

Now cartels had been around for a long time in the game.  But with little Sector Battle experience under my belt, no one came recruiting.  I considered joining (or at least asking to join) other cartels.  Many of them seemed hyper-dedicated to those Sector Battle things.  Others seemed too desperate for players.

So I did the only thing  that made me feel safe, I created my own cartel.  This way I could recruit like minded players who would respect one another and help each other out.  If people didn't like that, they were (and are) welcome to look elsewhere, no hard feelings.

I wanted a casual cartel, helpful, friendly.

And so the Alien Legion was founded...

My first two recruits, Zabrek Mep and Saviag Lobo are no longer with us.   Zabrek last known login was around February 9th.  He only reached level 14.  Saving, well he never earned a single CXP for our cartel and never made it past level 2...that I know of.  I trust that they are doing well, and if they ever return to Uprising they are welcome back.

More to come in following installments.

Updated Faction Rewards

Well another month has come and gone.  And your friendly Factions have doled out their rewards.
I did fairly well:

Member for the Trade Spine League and the Noble Court &
Warrior for the Ivax Syndicate, Rebel Alliance and Kouhun!

So 40 more Silver Marks and 3 - 5* Event Crystals

How did you do?  Leave a comment below.

May the Force be with You!
Ryer Grogan