
spoils sunday


Shout out to shifty for screen shots on the bounty hunter blueprint.

Gear.  It's our driving force to the grind.  It's fun and addicting.  In alien legion we are always look for the next big upgrade, that fun t1 look or blue print collecting.  The idea from spoils sunday I grafted together with Nia and Ryer.

Nia Othan 
Nia's Noble Refined noble 4*, which comes from upgrading weathered noble  2*.

Nia impresses us all with his massive ever changing blueprints.  He is a hunter.  Truly fun to see his gear on a weekly basis.  This is sweet print has been the latest.

Refined Noble 4*


Raids, sandwiched player perspective.

Gaming, role playing, magic the gathering and of course ,superhero storytelling has been a passion.  It started with saturday morning cartoons with x-men.  I just never saw females that I wanted to be or that I could relate to within that context.

I guess star wars was only a matter of time.

Currency node is the digital count down


It's been messy... I couldn't get passed the first nodes for two weeks.  I caved on my hard earned chrome and some planning.I got the last offer.  After saving chrome for a long long time.  So save your chrome.

Having one foot on each side of the transition...

Bonus node lighting up
I did the free currency nodes everyday.  The currency will roll over from raid to raid until you hit 100.  Do that and as of right now 8/24/16 hit captain every Sb.  And make some alts for farming event crystals.  Event crystals are need for everything.  And for u to progress into the higher raids you need to upgrade gear.  Never stop.

Bonus Node

This was the biggest help for my pr.  I got the best rewards and it's pretty consistent.    This Raid can trigger even after the free currency.  And it's repeatable.  Currently ten minutes.  I can get three in.  I am close to four.  Now I play the raid with abilities that increase damage and speed.  I have tried switching abilities in-between but I crash a lot. And you don't want to crash during this time sensitive raid.  Both bonus nodes were ruined so far this week due to crashing and I was switching screens/messing with abilities or gear.

Locked out?

The PR requirement can vary in the normal more.  Last week I got locked out of my end reward at about 19500.  This week for Omen Dread the final reward is around 2000.

It's pretty much across the board.  It's never enough pr.  


To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade your Materials

So maybe I am the last one to figure this out...but here goes:

To upgrade or not to upgrade Desh (& Phrik & Cortosis & Durasteel & Mephitine) that is the question.

Well I took some time and did the math to share it with the Cartel.

I took 4 - 3*Star Desh and upgraded them to a 1 - 4*Desh, this cost me 6,000 credits. I then used the 1 - 4* Desh to level up a piece of equipment.  This cost me 10,800 credits but I earned 689,200 xp for the equipment.  Using this process I spent 6,000 + 10,800 credit = 16,8000.  This works out to be 41.02 xp per credit spent.

I then took the same 4 - 3*Desh and used them to upgrade the equipment directly.  This cost me 14,400 credits and I only gained 672,400 xp.  So with this method I gained less xp, but I also spent less credit.  In this method, you get 46.69 xp per credit spent.

So overall, I believe it makes more sense to NOT upgrade your materials, just use them as is.  With the new inventory system space is no longer at a premium.

(FYI - I did the same calculation for the Elemental Bonus Material and it still work out the same way.)

Let me know if I missed some obvious issue.

Otherwise, happy leveling.
Ryer Grogan


Cartel Savvy


Based on recent posts from Kabam we have learned that they will not longer be running a Cartel Competition.  (At least for now.)

Because of that I do not recommend any cartel member use the Cartel Savvy Ability for the time being:

I personally will be running In Demand to collect some much needed credits.

Good Luck and May the Force be With You!
Ryer Grogan


Recent SBs...

Congrats on our recents Sector Battles.  We did well winning Minor Influence during the full Sector Battle this past weekend on Hoth.  And then we followed it up with Major Influence from the Imperial Retaliation on Monday.  Keep up the good work.  Our next 1 hr SB will be Burnin Konn in roughly 6 hours.


Sector Battle (7/31-8/1) Mataou

Well, we lost the battle on Mataou.  Seems like there are just fewer players.  The top player's scores have come down a bit but it would still require a full day of play for Commander or higher.

In the end we ended up 147th with Minor Influence, so good job overall.

Next up should be a 1 hr retaliation SB on Mataou in about 18 hours from now.  Let's see if we can get our Major Influence back.

May the Force be with You!

Faction Rewards Updated

Faction Rewards and Scores updated through July!