
Minor Influence on Burnin Konn

Another full Sector Battle come and gone.  We did well on Burnin Konn again but not well enough to hold on to Major Influence.  Still this was our highest score yet,  we finished with 12,443,100 victory points.  Unfortunately, this only ranked us at 125, enough for Minor Influence.
We had at least 5 players rank as Captain.  Let me know how you did, how many victory points and what place you ranked.
Thanks again for everyone's efforts.
Our next 1 hour SB should be Sunday at 4PM PDT.  (28 hours from the end of the full SB).
May the Force be with you!


Blog Authors Wanted

If you are interested in contributing to this blog please let me know.  I would love to have a few more people to help add content.
If you are interested please email me at alienlegioncartel@gmail.com.
I would prefer to only have cartel members apply.
So please include your Character Name, Your Player ID.

Ryer Grogan
Cartel Master


Major Influence on Burnin Konn

Good Work to all who took part in today's Sector Battle.
We finished ranked 100 with 849,400 victory points.
That gives us Major Influence on Burnin Konn until the next Sector Battle there.

The picture below is from Mataou but the benefits are the same.  Two really important things to note:
1) You get a 10% chance at better prizes!
2) You start with 40% of your Ultimate Energy meter filled.  That means you should be able to use
       your Ultimate attack more often.

1 Hour Sector Battle - WalkThrough (Spending No Chromium)

Hey folks just thought I would share my plan for the 1 hour Sector Battles. 
First off, it is really important your crew is available at the start of the battle.
Here is how I go through the event:

When the timer starts I go see my Faction Rep to kick off the event.

I then go immediately to the Crew Battle Runs.  As fast I can I start up 20 Crew Battle Runs.  But here is the trick,  I always look for the runs with the shortest duration.  Those are usually around 40-41 minutes.  If those are not available I look for the 50 minute runs and so on.  If the run is at 60 minutes or more you will not get any battle plans (bps).

Once that is done, I go to the Star Destroyer and run 5 missions on the planet.  For me, that collects 2,000 vps and 3 battle plans (bps) per run.  By about 30 minutes into the event I have 15 bps and 10,000 vps. I then do 3 runs on the Star Destroyer to earn the maximum victory points (vps).  Again for me that is 27,500 vps per run.  So by 35 minutes I am at 92,500 victory points.

That part is pretty repetitive for me.  But from here on out it depends on what you start getting back from the crew runs.

If there is time before the first crew runs come back, I will do a few more (usually only 2) runs on the planet to earn 4,000 vps and 6 battle plans.  

If there are still no crew runs back I will do another run on the Star Destroyer.  Bringing my total to 124,000 victory points.

As soon as the crew runs start coming in, collect the battle plans and send the crews back out. At this point it doesn't matter which runs you choose, just go fast.

Take your bps and do as many runs on the Star Destroyer as you can.  Between each run check to see if there are any more crew runs complete. Keeping track of how many battle plans you have left is crucial.  If you have more than 5 battle plans left in the final minute,  do one of the crew runs battle ops.  This won't get you as much vps, but it is better than losing the battle plans.

So for today's run I ended with 221,800 victory points.  I should have had another 14,400 but I collected the final mission after then sector battle resolved.

NOTE:  For those of you with Alternate Characters.  After I do the first set of Crew Runs I switch over to my alternate characters.  I send out as many crew runs as I can making sure at least 1 run has a 100% chance of success.  This way I am guaranteed at minimum of 1 4* Event crystal for each of my characters.

That's it.

Good Luck, and May the Force be with You!

Ryer Grogan


Imperial Sector Battle Times

With the completion of the Sector Battle on Burnin Konn we should be experiencing several short 1 hour Imperial Sector Battles over the course of the next week.
The Imperial Sector Battles (Imp SBs) start 28 hours after the completion of the previous SB.
So we should be seeing an Imp SB on Burnin Konn this Saturday June 18 at 4PM PDT. The next Imp SB after that will be on Sunday June 19 at 10PM PDT.  The 3rd Imp SB should be on Tuesday June 21 at 4AM PDT.  Then the 4th Imp SB will be on Wednesday June 22 at 10AM PDT.
This pattern will continue until we have enough Battle Readiness on any one planet to launch another full 24 hour Sector Battle.

Not sure what time this is for you?  Here a handle link to convert PDT to your local time!

Click here to take to World Time Buddy

Sector Battle Results

Nice jobs folks on our last Sector Battle!

We finished at 136 with Minor Influence during the last full Sector Battle (SB) on Burnin Konn with 11,322,555 victory points (ops).
Congrats to "Captain" Neyals Ton our top performer who finished at 577 with 1,988,140 vps.
We had at least four other players who ranked as Captain.
Here are the threshold scores from that SB:
  To reach General, you needed at least 9,702,250 vps.
  To reach Commander, you needed at least 5,437,200 vps.
  To reach Captain, you needed at least 1,088,240 vps.



Hello Folks,

Welcome to Alien Legion Cartel blog.

I have been looking for a more permanent place to post information. The existing cartel chat does not retain enough history.  Let me know what you think and give me some suggestions on what to post next.
Thanks and enjoy the game.
Ryer Grogan